Epoxy coatings and epoxy paints are frequently preferred today. The answer to the question of epoxy is the following. It is an epoxy resin and applied to the surface in liquid form. It can be applied over the top if necessary. Strength increases after dryness. Resistance to chemicals is quite excessive. Resistant to acids and bases. It is also very easy to clean epoxy coatings. You can clean up and save time without having to deal with it for a long time. Epoxy coatings are highly hygienic. Since it exhibits antibacterial properties, no live form can live on it or breed. Epoxy coatings are also resistant to corrosive environments.

Epoxy coatings are the best example of this if you are wondering what the epoxy is. Epoxy coatings do not dust. For this reason, it can be easily used in environments that should not be dusted. Epoxy coatings can be easily used in hospitals, homes, factories and many other places. The color scale of epoxy coatings is also quite broad. For this reason you can easily paint which color you want. If you get tired of flour after applying epoxy coating, you can change the color.

The simple answer to the question of epoxy is a material in the form of an epoxy resin. The area to be coated with epoxy should be free of dirt oil and dust. If there are roughness on the surface, these roughnesses should be removed. Because such foreign formations can prevent the epoxy from completely merging with the surface and cause some troubles. Epoxy coatings are also waterproof. It is also preferred in terms of aesthetics as it also has decorative models